- Please print -
The company that manages the property is:
Largo Vitorino Frois, n.º24
Laura Nowak +351 915 857 813 or WhatsApp
Sofia Cardeal +351 910 876 500 or WhatsApp
Office: +351 262 980 998
Opening hours of the Smart Homes agency:
From June to 15th September: 10:00 - 13:00; 14:30 - 20:00; Closed on Sunday
Rest of the year: 10:00 - 13:00; 14:30 -
If you have any trouble getting through to the property managers then, please, contact us on:
Rental Retreats Client Support +351 966 045 801 or WhatsApp
Antony +351 911817748 or +44 7905337735
Jenny +351 917144815 or +44 7986827409
The address of the property is:
Palmeiras Complex
Rua Santo António, n.º 19
Fraction "FB"
2460-679 São Martinho Do Porto
USEFUL TIP: Using your smartphone and being connected to the internet, click on the 2nd Google Map below, where it reads more options, to automatically activate Google Maps driving instructions from your Live location, taking you directly to the property address.
The GPS coordinates are as follows:
Latitude: 39.51392
Longitude: -9.13673
NOTE: You will come across some road tolls. You must stop at them all! Do not go through the green lane as this is for cars that have pre-paid. When you get to the first one just touch the silver button and a card will come out. Keep that card until you get to the next one where you will need to stop again and pay the attendant. You will need approximately 6 Euros to get to São Martinho.
If you get lost in Lisbon
If you get lost and can't see any signs for the A8 OESTE then follow signs to LEIRIA or LOURES as this is in the right direction and should get you onto the A8 OESTE.
- ... Once on the A8 you continue to follow it for about 40 minutes.
- At Junction 21 you leave the A8, where S.Martinho Do Porto is sign posted.
- Take a right at the roundabout in the direction of Sao Martinho do Porto, you will go through a small town (Alfeizerao).
- When you come to another roundabout (having driven about 4 kms) take the third exit, you will see the "Welcome to Sao Martinho do Porto" sign.
- Continue straight ahead (you will pass over a railway line) until you get to the orange building ahead of you.
- At this junction cross straight over by veering slightly to the left; the Smart Homes office is approximately 20 metres further along the road on the right-hand side.
- To get to the apartmentfrom the Smart Homes office, continue along the road, following the one-way system until you reach a T-junction.
- Then take a left to go up the hill, you will have the market on your left.
- When you have driven 900 metres up the hill, it will start to level off a little and there is a sharp turning on your leftand a blue sign labelled Cais.
- Take the turning (See the picture below the maps, on the left).
- Continue on this road for 500 metres. You will descend a hill.
- As the road flattens out you will see the rear of the apartment block on your right (see pictures below the maps, on the right).
- Park in any space you can find on the road.
- To get to the apartment follow the driveway down to the left of the building.
- Once the driveway levels out you will see a large garage entranceway on your right.
- The following door on your right is the rear door to the apartment.
- When you enter the apartment you will be able to open the door for the garage (next to the main bedroom) so you may choose to park your car in the garage.
- However the garages are not easy to access (especially with a large car) so we recommend that you leave your car on the street.
You can check-in after 16:00.
In advance, please tell us the time you expect to arrive in São Martinho. Please be aware that the property managers are organising their day according to the expected arrival times that they are given. If you find that you are delayed or that there are any changes to your arrival time, please be sure to get in touch with the property manager by phone or SMS.
Allow an hour and 45 minutes to get from Lisbon airport to São Martinho as there can be a queue at the hire car centre. When you are in your car or taxi and about to leave (or when you are 1 hour away), please contact the property managers.
If you need assistance during your stay, please contact:
Laura Nowak +351 915 857 813 or WhatsApp
Sofia Cardeal +351 910 876 500 or WhatsApp
The day of your departure, you will need to leave the apartment by 10:00 am.
Before leaving the property, please:
- Place the keys on the dining table.
- Clean your dishes and remove waste from the property.
- Close and latch all windows and doors.
- Turn off all lights, and TV
- Double check to confirm you don't leave any personal belongings behind
The property should be clean with clean bedding on the beds and clean towels. If you find anything not to your satisfaction please inform the property managers as soon as possible after your arrival.
Make yourself at home! The apartment has been well equipped in order to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. Please have a good look around -open up all the cupboards, drawers and wardrobes so that you know exactly what is in the apartment.
Services Included- Cable TV - Included
- Bath and hand towells - Included (do not use outside the property)
- Bed linen - Included
- Hand soap - Included
- Toilet paper - Included (1 roll per bathroom)
The property has Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi name and Security Code is found on the router next to the TV.
There is one large pool and a small child's pool.
Bracelets will be given to you, by the property managers, for access to the pool. Please be aware that only 6 pool bracelets will be given, if there are more than 6 members in your group, you will havet o share the bracelets between yourselves. There is a lifeguard for the pool during the summer months.
Pool Safety:
- Use of the pool is at your own risk.
- Please supervise children at all times. Do not rely on floatation devices to keep children safe.
- It is prohibited to use sharp or glass objects in the pool area, or eat next to the pool.
- Please do not dive from the side of the pool.
- There is a shallow end and a deep end to the pool.